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From legal advice to tax advice

It pays to plan strategically.

An entrepreneur does not handle start-ups, succession planning, restructuring and company acquisitions on a daily basis. Specific specialist areas such as accounting, ICS or financing are probably not the focus of your activities either. This makes professional support all the more important. 

We provide project-related advice on all financial matters. Developing the right management tools will help you to keep your company on track and keep your figures under control. As neutral outsiders, we are not blind to the business, but can focus on the real problems.

Saving taxes starts earlier than you think

The tax landscape is changing with increasing speed and scope. We guide you safely through the tax jungle. We also know our way around legal issues. Thanks to the close interaction between our legal advice and the other areas, we can immediately validate concepts and recommendations from a legal perspective and provide you with advice. 

With us at your side, you can manage any challenge. We also help you with all personnel policy decisions or realignments. Without a business plan, it is almost impossible to find an investor to finance a business idea these days. Be it start-ups or existing companies that want to develop new business areas, arrange succession or restructure their financing. We can help you with all questions relating to management and human resources.

Rolf Ramseier Chairman of the Board Certified public accountant, lic. rer. pol., licensed audit expert
Kristina Siegler Legal counsel MLaw, Advocate
Silvano Casanova GL member Fiduciary with federal certificate