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Full-service trust company in the Basel area 

All-round carefree service in fiduciary services

Ramseier Treuhand doesn't just talk about digital transformation - we also put it into practice. The focus here is on AI-supported automated accounting. In addition to traditional fiduciary activities, as a full-service fiduciary company in the greater Basel area we offer a full range of auditing services, including dual mandates. From company formation to succession planning, we accompany our SME clients through all "life phases".

SME carefree package

As an SME, you want to focus on your customers, your products and your market. By outsourcing your financial support processes, you have time and hands free for your core tasks. You only pay for services that you actually receive.

Our SME carefree package includes the following services:

  • Keeping the financial accounts on the basis of the documents handed over or transmitted to us

  • Final consultation and preparation of financial statements

  • Preparation of VAT statements

  • Payroll administration and payroll accounting

  • Preparation of social security statements

  • Tax advice, completion of all tax returns for the company and, if necessary, for the entrepreneurs personally

If required:

  • Management of accounts receivable and accounts payable

  • Dunning and debt collection

  • Assumption of the auditing mandate (with personnel separation)

  • Executing payments

Tax declarations

The basis for fair taxation is always a correctly completed tax return. With our expertise and the appropriate software, we can prepare tax returns for all cantons efficiently and in compliance with the law. In addition to direct taxes for individuals and legal entities, we offer declarations for other types of tax:

  • Real estate gains and property transfer taxes

  • Value added tax

  • Emissions and turnover tax

  • Withholding tax (incl. reclaims)

Granting of domicile

We offer you company law domicile at Krummeneichstrasse 34 in Pratteln. Modular, you can obtain further services such as telephone and postal services, bookkeeping, handling of all tax matters, fiscal representation, etc.

Management of companies

As a comprehensive service for our clients, we support the formation and administration of companies, providing all the services required for the proper functioning of the company. On request, we can take a seat on strategic or operational management bodies.

Managing secretariats

Not every association or club can afford a professionally managed internal secretariat. But the administrative work must be done. In cooperation with the association's management bodies, you can put together a suitable modular package from the following services:

  • Telephone and postal service

  • Protocol management

  • Membership administration and contribution collection

  • Bookkeeping and accounting

  • Personnel and payroll administration

  • Clarification of tax liability and any settlement of direct taxes and VAT

  • Payment transactions

Fiscal representations

With the amendment to the VAT Ordinance on 01.01.2019, the tax liability of foreign companies in Switzerland was massively expanded. The VAT liability arises in particular when deliveries are made in Switzerland and the worldwide annual turnover limit of currently CHF 100,000 is exceeded, i.e. with the first franc of turnover generated in Switzerland. In accordance with Art. 67 of the VAT Act, taxable foreign companies must be represented by a tax representative established in Switzerland.

We ensure that you implement the VAT regulations formally and materially correctly, i.e. in particular:

  • Clarification of any VAT liability in Switzerland

  • Registration with the Federal Tax Administration

  • Timely preparation and submission of periodic statements

  • Reclaiming the input tax paid

The VAT liability for foreign companies arises in particular from the first franc of turnover in Switzerland if they generate more than CHF 100,000 in turnover worldwide. It should be noted that the definition of supply in Switzerland goes well beyond the definition of supply in the EU. In addition to the case of a transfer of ownership, cases of

  • Repair

  • Examination

  • Calibration

  • Regulation

  • mere functional check etc.

  • Provision of an item for use or utilization (rent or lease)

is regarded as a supply for VAT purposes.

We ensure that you implement the VAT regulations formally and materially correctly, i.e. in particular:

  • Clarification of any VAT liability in Switzerland

  • Registration with the Federal Tax Administration

  • Timely preparation and submission of periodic statements

  • Reclaiming the input tax paid

Invoicing and payment transactions

If you want to relieve yourself of as much administration as possible, we can issue and send invoices for you on our systems, or using your software, according to the information and data provided to us. We transfer the invoice data to accounts receivable accounting without media discontinuity.

At your request, we will execute payments for you in compliance with high security standards.

Dunning and debt collection

It is annoying that customers do not pay or do not pay on time. Large outstanding amounts or even defaults can have a serious impact on liquidity and business results. We ensure that reminders are sent to debtors in good time - in accordance with your specifications and wishes - and that further collection measures are initiated and carried out in compliance with legal requirements and deadlines.

Execution of wills, division of estate

Pursuant to Art. 518 para. 2 of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB), the executor must represent the will of the testator. In particular, he is authorized to perform the following acts:

  • Administration of the inheritance (identification, investment and preservation of assets)

  • Payment of the deceased's debts

  • Payment of any legacies

  • Division of the estate in accordance with the testator's instructions or the provisions of the law

The appointment of an executor is particularly recommended in the case of complex family or financial circumstances or if there is a risk that the heirs will disregard the testator's last wishes or even fall out. However, the executor can also be helpful if the financial circumstances are clear and there is no risk of a dispute between the heirs. They take care of all financial matters and relieve the heirs of administrative tasks during the period of mourning.

This responsible activity requires specialist knowledge, experience and diplomatic skills. It is advisable to consult external specialists.

Whether with or without a last will and testament, the division of an estate can quickly become challenging if the entire estate does not consist of cash that is easy to divide. We also support you in complex estate settlements, as part of the will execution mandate, as appointed representatives of the community of heirs or simply in an advisory capacity.

Liquidation of companies

Unlike people, a company could live forever. Nevertheless, in certain constellations it is necessary to put an - orderly - end to this life. We support you in carrying out the liquidation within the framework of the legally prescribed steps.

Mandates as extra-official receivers

In ordinary bankruptcy proceedings, which are mainly used for larger bankruptcies, the creditors can transfer the tasks of the bankruptcy office to a private administration in accordance with Art. 237 SchKG.

This challenging task involves a wide range of activities and security measures and involves various areas of law. Thanks to the intensive cooperation of all the experts involved, we achieve the best possible result in the interests of the bankruptcy estate and the creditors.

Trustee in probate proceedings

Under debt enforcement and bankruptcy law, the administrator is responsible for managing assets or companies in the interests of all parties involved. This demanding task is associated with numerous legal issues arising from the Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Act, as well as other areas of law.

In the context of judicial or extrajudicial debt restructuring proceedings, the interaction between our legal department and the financial expertise of the fiduciary department also enables us to handle extensive trustee mandates.

Administration of employee benefit plans

Based on our decades of experience as managing director of the RTA Collective Foundation, we can support you in the administration of your employee benefits institution or take it over on a mandate basis.

On behalf of the supervisory authorities, we take over the management of such institutions on an interim basis in cases where the foundation bodies are no longer able to manage the pension fund in accordance with the law and regulations. We ensure efficient implementation of the legal provisions in the interests of the beneficiaries.

Personal financial planning

Make the most of your private finances! Fundamental changes in life circumstances such as marriage, divorce, setting up a business, redundancy, cohabitation, death of a partner, disability, inheritance, etc. are often triggers to rethink your personal situation and future plans.

However, personal financial planning is an essential part of life planning even without external events. This involves analyzing the flowing connections between pension provision and life risks, assets, taxes and the law and tailoring them to your financial life goals. We work with you to analyze your personal income and asset situation, your needs and requirements for the future and the other framework conditions. Based on the current situation, we present scenarios for the future, taking into account pension provision, investments, taxes and estate planning.


If required, we bring our expertise directly to the top management bodies of a company. The personal mandate as a member of the Board of Directors is associated with a high level of responsibility, which we take seriously and make full use of our consulting experience.

Temporary employees

If the head of finance is absent due to illness, the accountant is on sabbatical or the period between resignation and the arrival of a successor needs to be bridged, we can help out with our specialist staff.

Our employees have a good "school bag" and extensive experience in finance and accounting.

We work with you to define the workload and duration of the assignment, the necessary qualifications and other requirements for your temporary rta employee. We are flexible and ready for action!

Silvano Casanova GL member Fiduciary with federal certificate
Nicole Beugger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Daniela Löliger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration