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Accounting, financial accounting and financial statement consulting for SMEs

How to obtain the most favorable method

An appropriate and modern accounting system is an indispensable management tool. Transparent and professionally prepared accounting figures form the basis for correct business decisions. We professionally implement the new accounting law for you.

Keeping financial accounts

We use our modern, client-capable software to manage your bookkeeping based on the documents you provide us with. You can access your figures online, or we can prepare the jointly defined evaluations at set intervals (monthly, quarterly, annually). Our customers can take over a predefined part of the bookkeeping work themselves by means of pre-entry programs or online booking on our systems. Thanks to our extensive experience and broad range of industries, we understand your business almost as well as you do. That's why our bookkeeping not only meets the requirements of commercial and tax law, but also the information needs of your business.

Value added tax settlements

For companies subject to VAT that have their bookkeeping done by us, we can prepare VAT statements at the touch of a button. If required, we can prepare the VAT statement based on the accounting records and receipts provided to us. Whether effective accounting or the balance or flat-rate tax method is used depends on the company-specific circumstances. We will advise you on the most favorable method for you.

Final consultation

We put the finishing touches to your figures so that they stand up to shareholders, auditors, the tax authorities and other recipients of the annual financial statements. Tax optimization is an important aspect, but not the only one.

Preparation of annual and interim financial statements

The annual financial statements under commercial law are the company's most important financial document. The annual financial statements are always based on reliable accounting advice, whether the accounting is carried out by us or by our clients.

You can be sure that all legal requirements are met.

Implementing the new accounting law is not rocket science, but it does require a thorough analysis of the need for adjustments. New insights into the interpretation of the law are constantly being incorporated into our work. In today's complex and fast-moving environment, the entrepreneur's feeling of "how business is going" is only sufficient in exceptional cases. We prepare interim financial statements at a frequency to be defined in order to manage the company in a timely manner.

Operational accounting

Cost accounting / management accounting adapted to your company is the prerequisite for having the right calculation basis available in good time in a tough market environment.

We can manage your accounting on our software with integrated company accounting or support you on your own systems.


Controlling supports the planning and implementation of the company's course, predicts deviations and provides the company with suitable instruments and procedures for planning, measuring and controlling. Together with our clients, we define customized monitoring instruments to enable you to react to undesirable developments in good time.

Budgeting, liquidity and financial planning

Forward-looking financial monitoring tools are essential for effective corporate management and control. You provide the basic business figures and we work with you to develop meaningful budgets, liquidity and financial plans that you can use for corporate management in the short, medium and long term.

Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The threshold values for the statutory consolidation obligation have been increased with the introduction of the new accounting law, adjusted to the threshold values for the ordinary audit (in addition to various other criteria). The law also provides for a consolidation obligation below the thresholds if this is necessary for the assessment of the economic situation of a group of companies. In order to increase the informative value of the consolidated financial statements, we recommend that the consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with a recognized standard. For Swiss SMEs, the focus is on Swiss GAAP FER. We support you in implementing the legal requirements and introducing consolidated financial statements tailored to your situation.

Our experts are also on hand to advise or support you with the annual consolidation.

Accounting for employee benefit plans

Accounting and financial reporting requirements for pension funds are governed by the BVG and the associated ordinance BVV 2. The Swiss GAAP FER 26 standard must be applied. These peculiarities require know-how and experience. We have both.

Accounting directly with the customer

We can work with all common software. If you require our presence on site, we will come to you to process the documents at the agreed frequency. We can offer the following modular services:

  • Financial accounting

  • Accounts receivable and accounts payable

  • Dunning and debt collection

  • Payroll accounting and personnel administration

  • Management accounting

  • Preparation of financial statements, interim financial statements

The scope of services is defined on a customer-specific basis, taking into account any preparatory and recording work carried out by the customer.

Of course, we can also access your programs in our offices via the Internet and carry out predefined accounting work for you.

Silvano Casanova GL member Fiduciary with federal certificate
Nicole Beugger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Daniela Löliger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration