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Legal advice for companies and private individuals 

We make the most of your rights

Legal issues are increasingly permeating everyday business life. Thanks to the close interaction between our legal advice and the other areas, we can immediately validate concepts and recommendations from a legal perspective and provide you with advice.

In-house legal advice

Thanks to our own legal department, we can clarify all purely legal issues quickly and competently. In addition, the concepts and advice of the other fiduciary areas can be legally secured in an uncomplicated manner.

Kristina Siegler is available to all our clients as a legal advisor to Ramseier Treuhand AG and is regularly present in person.

Together with her team at LEXPARTNERS. Advokaten & Notare Muttenz, she covers all relevant areas of law. Ms. Kristina Siegler's main areas of expertise are:

  • Labor law

  • Tenancy law

  • Contract law

  • Inheritance law and estate planning

  • Debt enforcement and bankruptcy law

  • Commercial criminal law


Holistic advice for companies and entrepreneurs

The interaction between companies and their owners raises a variety of legal issues:

  • Service relationships between owners and companies

  • Family and inheritance law

  • Estate planning

  • Corporate law contracts

  • Purchase and sale of companies

Advice from a single source helps enormously to develop consistent, sustainable solutions that are also safeguarded from a legal and tax perspective. We keep the big picture in mind when providing advice.

Business start-ups

You bring the idea and the entrepreneurial spirit. We advise you on the choice of legal form, draw up the necessary contracts and documents and organize the incorporation process so that all you have to do is fill the company with content and activities.

Corporate law contracts

Depending on the legal form, ownership structure and size of a company, the various legal relationships must be contractually regulated to varying degrees. Contracts must also exist in adverse situations in order to create legal certainty. We draw up tailor-made contracts and regulations for you.

Trademark and copyright law

The fact that brands can have immense value is impressively demonstrated to us in the ranking of the most valuable brands.

Maintaining and defending intellectual property rights, trademarks, patents, licenses, etc. can sustainably secure and increase the value of your company. We help you to formulate and protect your rights, both nationally and internationally.


Corporate structures must be reviewed and adapted in connection with succession planning, company sales or strategy adjustments. Mergers, demergers and asset transfers have been comprehensively regulated under the Merger Act, which came into force in 2004.

We help you to legally and fiscally secure such complex, often far-reaching transactions and accompany you from planning to implementation. We support you and accompany you comprehensively in such demanding projects, such as

  • Company mergers

  • Company demergers and spin-offs

  • Group structures

  • Founding of spin-offs

  • Receiving companies

  • Conversions

  • Asset transfers

  • Joint ventures

Trustee mandates

Under the Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Act (SchKG), the administrator is responsible for managing assets or companies in the interests of all parties involved. This demanding task is associated with numerous legal issues from the Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Act, as well as other areas of law.

In the context of judicial or extrajudicial debt restructuring proceedings, the interaction between our legal department and the financial expertise of the fiduciary department also enables us to handle extensive trustee mandates.

Mandates as extra-official receivers

In ordinary bankruptcy proceedings, which are mainly used for larger bankruptcies, the creditors can transfer the tasks of the bankruptcy office to a private administration in accordance with Art. 237 SchKG.

This challenging task involves a wide range of activities and security measures and involves various areas of law. Thanks to the intensive cooperation of all the experts involved, we achieve the best possible result in the interests of the bankruptcy estate and the creditors.

Labor and employment contracts

Although a verbal employment contract would be legally valid in principle, it is highly recommended that the specific terms of an employment relationship are set out in writing. Mistakes can lead to expensive consequences and unpleasant disputes.

The individual employment contract regulates the rights and obligations of employers and employees. It is not subject to any formal requirements and - with the exception of the apprenticeship contract - can also be concluded verbally. However, it is advantageous for both parties if a written contract is drawn up. Special provisions such as a non-competition clause or overtime regulations must be set out in a written employment contract. A distinction is made between fixed-term (termination with notice) and open-ended (termination by notice) employment contracts.

With our advice and support, you can arrange what is necessary and sensible and avoid the numerous traps lurking in legislation and case law. You negotiate the conditions with the new employees and we implement them in the right contracts.

Estate planning

When it comes to inheritance, harmonious families often become unnecessarily bitter enemies. Take precautions and arrange in good time what should happen to your estate. We will provide you with comprehensive advice, including the tax situation.

  • Advice and support in drafting wills

  • Marriage and inheritance contracts

  • Analysis of what arrangements need to be made in the event of an inheritance

  • Advice on the valuation of your estate, in particular business assets, real estate, antiques, collections, etc.

  • Drafting of all written documents for wills, inheritance, marriage or cohabitation agreements or loan or gift agreements, including support until signature

  • Secure storage of your documents

Execution of wills

Pursuant to Art. 518 para. 2 of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB), the executor must represent the will of the testator. In particular, he is authorized to perform the following acts:

  • Administration of the inheritance (determination, investment and preservation of assets);

  • Payment of the deceased's debts;

  • The payment of any legacies;

  • Division of the estate in accordance with the testator's instructions or the provisions of the law.

The appointment of an executor is particularly recommended in the case of complex family or financial circumstances or if there is a risk that the heirs will disregard the testator's last wishes or even fall out. However, the executor can also be helpful if the financial circumstances are clear and there is no risk of a dispute between the heirs. They take care of all financial matters and relieve the heirs of administrative tasks during the period of mourning.

This responsible activity requires specialist knowledge, experience and diplomatic skills. It is advisable to consult external specialists.

Inheritance division

Whether with or without a last will and testament, the division of an estate can quickly become challenging if the entire estate does not consist of cash that is easy to divide. We also support you in complex estate settlements, as part of the will execution mandate, as appointed representatives of the community of heirs or simply in an advisory capacity.

Kristina Siegler Legal counsel MLaw, Advocate
Rolf Ramseier Chairman of the Board Certified public accountant, lic. rer. pol., licensed audit expert