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Tax advice - to save taxes

Saving taxes starts earlier than you think.

The tax landscape is changing with increasing speed and scope. We guide you safely through the tax jungle. Whether complex corporate restructuring, succession solutions, private pensions, etc.: Taxes are not the only criterion, but must definitely be taken into account from the outset.

In owner-managed companies, the interaction between the private and corporate spheres is particularly close. The tax situation of companies and their owners, shareholders and executive bodies can be sustainably optimized with just one holistic approach. 

We also know our way around national and international taxes. Withholding taxes, transfer and transfer pricing or cross-border profit distributions are part of our everyday work.

Thanks to our partner network in the relevant countries, we can access the latest know-how at any time to solve even complex international problems.

Tax support for corporate restructuring

Mergers, takeovers and the creation of group structures are generally based on business logic and motivation. However, tax considerations should be taken into account right from the start of the planning process. We also support you in developing suitable structures for the purchase or sale of companies.

Preparation of all tax returns

In accordance with the authoritative principle, the financial statements under commercial law form the basis for the tax declaration and assessment. Together with you, we endeavor to avoid any offsetting.

With our expertise and the appropriate software, we can prepare tax declarations for all cantons efficiently and in compliance with the law.

Control of investments

Within the objection period, we review the tax assessments and identify any discrepancies. Together with you, we decide whether an appeal should be lodged.

Representation in objection and appeal proceedings

Objections and appeals should be well-founded and competently drafted in order to have any chance of success. We know what is important and can also support you in any further appeal through the courts.

Value added tax advice

Since the introduction of VAT in Switzerland on 01.01.1995, its legal basis has already been revised several times. The new VAT Act with its associated ordinances and brochures comprises thousands of pages. Nevertheless, there is still a need for interpretation.

VAT affects practically every company operating in Switzerland. Massive amounts generally have to be declared on the turnover and input tax side, where errors can have existential consequences. As a self-assessment tax, VAT errors are often only discovered during an audit, with unpleasant consequences retroactively over several years.

We can support you with

  • Preparation of VAT invoices

  • Advice on the optimum billing method

  • Representation before the tax authorities and courts

  • Support for VAT revisions

  • Examination of facts, structures and transactions from a VAT perspective

Expense regulations

Since the introduction of the new salary statement, individual company expense regulations are required to justify lump-sum expenses and remuneration that exceed the specified rates, which must be submitted to the tax authorities for approval.

We support you in drawing up, submitting and implementing expense regulations that are appropriate to your situation.

Taxes for private individuals

Numerous satisfied, long-standing clients testify to our expertise in the area of taxes on natural persons. Whether you are a wage earner, pensioner or entrepreneur, we make sure that you only pay the tax authorities what they are legally entitled to.

  • Tax declarations in all cantons

  • National and international tax rulings

  • Tax planning in connection with companies, family constellations, real estate, etc.

  • Control of all investments

  • Representation in objection and appeal proceedings

Pension analysis and advice

Pension funds in Switzerland are coming under pressure: the increasing imbalance between employees and pensioners and the eroding returns on investments are presenting them with huge challenges. The effects of such developments must be anticipated in good time when providing advice.

Protect your loved ones financially and free yourself from material worries in old age. We analyze your individual situation, identify gaps in your pension provision and offer you suitable solutions.

Rolf Ramseier Chairman of the Board Certified public accountant, lic. rer. pol., licensed audit expert
Silvano Casanova GL member Fiduciary with federal certificate
Nicole Beugger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration