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Personnel and payroll administration for SMEs

How employee administration works

Employers' obligations towards employees, the state and social insurance schemes have recently become much stricter. The border region of Northwestern Switzerland is particularly affected by the complex intergovernmental regulations. Our experts have an overview and can tailor personnel and payroll administration to your needs.

Payroll accounting and administration

Employment and social security law is becoming increasingly complex due to statutory regulations, international agreements and case law. Errors can have costly consequences, for example if they are only discovered in the course of a dismissal and, if necessary, sued for. We ensure that your employees receive the wages to which they are entitled on time and in the correct amount. It's up to you whether you only need support with payroll notifications or prefer to leave the entire HR administration to us. Outsourcing allows you to maintain complete discretion, avoid major infrastructure and training costs as well as the problem of deputization. The modular services available:

  • Posting wages

  • Creating and sending payslips

  • Posting and paying social security invoices

  • Social security notifications for changes

  • Salary notifications and salary statements, social security statements

  • Reconciliation of personnel and social security expenses

Wage reporting procedure (ELM)

By using our swissdec-certified payroll accounting, the administrative burden on companies is greatly reduced as they only have to report their wages to all payroll data recipients once. The payroll program automatically compiles all the relevant data for each recipient. At the touch of a button, the payroll data is transmitted to the AHV, insurers, Suva, tax offices and the Federal Statistical Office. The signed and encrypted data transfer via the Internet meets the latest security standards. It should also be possible to use ELM for the transmission of withholding tax data in future.

Labor and employment contracts

Employment law disputes can be lengthy and unpleasant for all parties involved. It is therefore advisable to ensure that the employment relationship is legally watertight.

The individual employment contract regulates the rights and obligations of employers and employees. It is not subject to any formal requirements and - with the exception of the apprenticeship contract - can also be concluded verbally. However, it is advantageous for both parties if a written contract is drawn up. Special provisions such as a non-competition clause or overtime regulations must be set out in a written employment contract. With our advice and support, you can regulate what is necessary and sensible and avoid the numerous traps lurking in laws and case law. You negotiate the conditions with the new employees and we implement them in the right contracts.

Preparation of social security statements and salary statements

In the case of payroll accounting managed by Ramseier Treuhand AG, we handle all the associated administrative work directly, promptly and without unnecessary interfaces. We also offer these services separately on request:

  • AHV declaration

  • Settlement of family equalization fund

  • Health and accident insurance

  • Pension funds

We know which salaries are subject to the AHV obligation, which salary components are insured under the occupational pension scheme and ensure that insurance cover is guaranteed in the best possible way without incurring unnecessary costs. Where economically justified, we use the electronic salary reporting procedure (ELM).

Withholding tax statements

An increasing number of cross-border employment relationships and the employment of employees without a permanent residence permit require the registration and settlement of withholding taxes. Although the jungle of tariffs has now been somewhat thinned out, the peculiarities of the cantonal tariffs and numerous stumbling blocks must be taken into account. Settlement at the place of residence of the employee subject to withholding tax can lead to a settlement obligation in several cantons.

We relieve you of these administrative burdens and ensure legally compliant, timely billing with our software.

Pension advice

We are not insurance brokers, but we can provide you with independent support in choosing a pension solution that is tailored to your circumstances.

Accounting and financial reporting of employee benefit plans

Accounting and financial reporting requirements for pension funds are governed by the BVG and the associated ordinance BVV 2. The Swiss GAAP FER 26 standard must be applied. These peculiarities require know-how and experience. We have both, as well as the corresponding software.

Silvano Casanova GL member Fiduciary with federal certificate
Nicole Beugger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Daniela Löliger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration