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Expert reports and appraisals in the Basel area

Independent, neutral experts for accounting, finance, tax and law

We are happy to get involved when a neutral assessment is required. We are proven experts, especially when it comes to court expert opinions.

Expert mandates

For expert mandates, we provide our clients with our specific specialist knowledge, skills and experience in a solution-oriented manner. Naturally, we focus on the areas of finance, accounting, taxes and pensions.

Arbitration reports and court expert opinions

In the context of legal disputes or differing opinions, parties or courts occasionally require specialist opinions to assess the facts of a case. The disputed facts and issues are analyzed, processed and professionally presented in expert opinions and expert reports.

Valuation of companies or parts of companies

The value of a company or part of it plays a significant role in the development of succession solutions or the settlement/division of an estate. Choosing the right method and deriving the value requires specialist knowledge and experience in this area.

Due diligence

Due diligence is often carried out for the intended purchase or sale of companies, parts of companies or real estate. The aim is to determine and analyze the strengths and weaknesses or the risks and opportunities of the object of purchase with due care on the basis of the documents provided. Due diligence thus influences the purchase decision as such as well as the purchase price.

Rolf Ramseier Chairman of the Board Certified public accountant, lic. rer. pol., licensed audit expert
Alain Wenger Member of the BoD and MB Certified auditor, business economist FH, licensed audit expert
Raphael Saccomani Authorized signatory Certified fiduciary expert, business economist FH, licensed auditor