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Expert opinions and audits in the Basel area

Our audit is more than just a compulsory exercise

Our auditing experts know your business and personally oversee the audit from A-Z. That's why we don't produce any empty runs, but provide valuable recommendations for optimizing your accounting and the underlying processes in addition to the required confirmation of your financial statements.

rta is licensed as an auditing company / auditing expert by the Federal Audit Oversight Authority FAOA and, as a member of EXPERTsuisse, is always up to date with the latest auditing practice.

Ordinary audits

According to the Swiss Code of Obligations, larger organizations and economically significant companies are subject to an ordinary audit. A larger organization is defined as one that has exceeded two of the three thresholds of CHF 20 million in total assets, CHF 40 million in turnover and 250 employees in two consecutive years. The subjects of the audit are the annual financial statements, the appropriation of profits and the existence of an internal control system. The audit is conducted in accordance with the Swiss Auditing Standard (SA).

With several qualified, experienced auditing experts, we are ideally equipped to carry out the demanding audit efficiently and in compliance with the law. In addition to the auditors' summary report to the Annual General Meeting, we also provide the comprehensive report to the Board of Directors, which is also required by law and from whose analyses and recommendations our clients can derive additional benefits.

Limited audits

If a legal entity does not meet the criteria for an ordinary audit, the annual financial statements must be audited to a limited extent. The scope and depth of the audit are significantly reduced. The audit is conducted in accordance with the Swiss Standard on Limited Statutory Audits (SER).

The subjects of the audit are the annual financial statements and the appropriation of profits. The existence of the internal control system is not to be audited. If there are fewer than 10 full-time employees, the company may waive the limited audit by unanimous resolution of the shareholders or partners.

Audit of consolidated financial statements

If a legal entity controls several companies, consolidated financial statements must be prepared under certain conditions. The consolidated financial statements are subject to an ordinary audit. With several qualified, experienced auditing experts, we are ideally placed to carry out this demanding audit efficiently and in compliance with the law. In addition to the auditors' summary report to the Annual General Meeting, we also provide the Board of Directors with the comprehensive report required by law, from whose analyses and recommendations our clients can derive additional benefits.

Audit of employee benefit plans

The annual financial statements of employee benefit institutions must be audited annually. Other key audit topics include retirement accounts, management, investments, internal controls and ensuring compliance with loyalty requirements.

By fulfilling the increased requirements for the auditor in charge by the audit supervisory authority (FAOA), we can guarantee a professional audit.

Audit of non-profit organizations

Public communities, clubs, associations, foundations

When auditing the annual financial statements of associations and foundations, the regulations on ordinary or limited audits must be observed. As a rule, there is a special legal basis for auditing public bodies. Associations that exceed the thresholds of a balance sheet total of CHF 10 million, turnover of CHF 20 million and/or 50 full-time employees must also be audited. If a member of the association with a personal liability or obligation to make additional contributions requests it, the association's accounts must be audited to a limited extent. In other cases, the Articles of Association and the General Assembly are free to organize the audit.


Swiss GAAP FER is a set of accounting rules that larger organizations must also prepare under certain conditions. These annual financial statements in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER must also be properly audited. The annual financial statements in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER present a true and fair view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations.

Companies can also voluntarily prepare annual financial statements in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER or the core FER, thereby significantly increasing transparency compared to accounting in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations.

Our auditing experts are familiar with Swiss GAAP FER and can audit the annual or consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with this standard competently and efficiently.

Alain Wenger Member of the BoD and MB Certified auditor, business economist FH, licensed audit expert
Rolf Ramseier Chairman of the Board Certified public accountant, lic. rer. pol., licensed audit expert
Sabrina Kreft Auditor Certified auditor, business economist FH, licensed audit expert