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Impressions and experiences from the training period at rta

Truly, time has flown by. It's been three years since we welcomed Lazar Jakovljevic to the rta. And at the end of July, we already have to say goodbye to him. But before we say goodbye, we would like to know from Lazar what he thought of the profession of "trustee" at the start of his training and what he will take away from his time at rta for the future. 

Lazar, what ideas did you have about your future career before your apprenticeship? What did you think a trustee does?

To be honest, before I was allowed to do my taster week at Ramseier Treuhand, I didn't know much about the fiduciary profession myself. After doing some research on the Internet in advance, I realized that people have their accounts or tax returns prepared by a fiduciary, for example. Of course, I now know that this is only a fraction of the services we offer. In the course of my training, however, this phenomenon came up again and again in my environment. In fact, very few people even know that fiduciaries exist. 

What did you have the most respect for at the beginning of your apprenticeship?

Before the apprenticeship, I only knew the school desk. It was a completely new situation for me and an unfamiliar environment to work in an office with adults. I had the most respect for that. I first had to find out how to behave. However, I was quickly able to overcome the resulting uncertainty, as the family team with its DU culture and relaxed attitude made me feel very welcome in the working environment. I was never alone and could turn to anyone at any time.

When you think back to your time as an apprentice, what goes through your mind?

Time just raced past me. I still remember how reserved and shy I was back then. I can now really realize my personal development in retrospect. I approach tasks more confidently and methodically, both privately and professionally.

What did you like best about your apprenticeship?

There are a few things that I really liked about my three-year apprenticeship. On the one hand, the varied work with a wide range of customers from different sectors. On the other hand, the constantly increasing responsibility, which adapted to my growing knowledge. I really appreciate that. I was seen as a fully-fledged employee right from the start. This is made clear when you are given a wide variety of tasks or even when you choose your vacations. A long-standing employee has the same rights to take vacation at a certain time as an apprentice. Compared to other trainees, I was lucky, you could say.

Apart from that, the atmosphere and environment really appealed to me. I was given a lot of freedom and in return had to work independently and conscientiously, which helped me a lot in my development. I had half of my own office in the secretariat. In other words, I shared it with Nadia, but I didn't have to work in an open-plan office. I had my own adjustable desk in my own "realm" in the office.

What do you like best about being a trustee?

Firstly, it's definitely the customer contact that appeals to me. You talk to the customers, learn something from them, they learn something from you and that can quickly lighten the mood. Then there is the diverse work in various areas of business administration. It ranges from taxes and accounting to social insurance, and there are different cases and situations with every customer - you never get bored.

What do you take away from your training at rta?

A great deal, both on a technical/professional and personal level. I have become more aware of economic relationships. I was able to build up a lot of knowledge in the areas of accounting, taxes and social insurance, which I can also use from time to time in my private life. The training also had a strong impact on me in terms of organization. By working independently and taking responsibility, I had to learn to organize myself. 

Thank you very much for your interview and good luck for the future. The entire rta team would like to thank you once again for your great commitment over the past three years and congratulate you on your graduation.

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