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Maibummel 2024: A feast for all the senses and a "farewell" at the same time

Fun barbecue evening, with delicious steaks and home-baked food from Thomas. The Ramseier Treuhand AG team doesn't get that every year.

Our May stroll this year was not just a leisurely stroll, but also a special kind of farewell party. We bid farewell to our long-standing legal advisor Thomas, who is going into well-deserved "retirement", although he will remain with us as a member of the Board of Directors.

We started the evening with a short walk to the idyllic Talweiher pond. Not only a delicious aperitif awaited us there, but also a small miracle: home-baked goods from Thomas! Who would have thought that our chef was so talented?

After a brief refreshment, we continued to the Talhölzli barbecue site. A few brave souls ventured through the mud in white shoes - respect! When we arrived at our destination, a true gourmet paradise awaited us: juicy steaks, a colorful salad buffet and a lovingly laid table.

Of course, there was also a bit of competition. Thomas had prepared a fun quiz that got down to business - including objections. At the end, there was a special prize for both teams: a bottle of Thomas' favorite wine.

We rounded off the evening with a delicious dessert and lively conversation. A successful evening that we will remember for a long time to come. Thank you, Thomas, for the great organization and have fun in your well-deserved "retirement"!