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Showdown on the Rhine: when experience meets overzealousness

Even though the employees of Ramseier Treuhand AG are no longer in the busy season, they remain ambitious. However, for once it's all about who cuts the best figure on the stand-up paddle board.

The competitive spirit of the two rivals Raphael Saccomani and Thomas Ramseier was really awakened during a standard SUP (stand-up paddling) course. The first exchange of blows took place during the beginners' course on Lake Geneva. Things got more serious over dinner and the bet was made. This stated that the loser would have to organize the annual Maibummel in 2022. The decision was made to hold the race on the local Rhine.

Neither of the two rivals made any secret of the fact that they wanted to win the race. Neither of them spared any time or effort in their preparations in order to emerge victorious. Last Saturday, things got really serious and the race between Thomas and Raphael was held. It was one kilometer up the Rhine and back again. If Raphael's statement is to be believed, the first kilometer felt like a marathon.... However, Thomas didn't let this get to him and made up the ground he had lost by the end of the first kilometer. Now came the hot phase, in which experience finally struck back. As an old fox, Thomas steered towards the middle of the river, took advantage of the current and shone with his physical fitness. From then on, not only the direction of travel changed, but also the tide. Because thanks to his clever driving, the old master not only headed for the finish, but also for victory.

So in the end it came as it had to and Thomas, the experienced windsurfer, paddled across the finish line about 60 meters ahead of Raphael. This not only gave him honour and pride, but also brought the rta a new organizer for next year's Maibummel, second-placed Raphael.

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