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Financial planning - shape your future now!

The next major phase of your life is on the horizon: retirement, buying a property or becoming self-employed. These three and other life changes require clarity about your current financial situation and its future development. At this point in your life, personal financial planning comes into play, offering you not only a customized plan but also the opportunity to make decisions in good time and influence the development of your assets.

This saves you time and money

The prerequisite for the success of this project is timely planning, which is generally approached systematically a few years before the start of the new phase of life in order to take all circumstances into account and interpret the effects correctly. Professional advice is recommended for this, which enables holistic solutions.

Your input is important - elements of financial planning

The personal financial plan is based on your current budget, assets and debts. These values and future influences are used to calculate the development of your budget, assets and debts over the next few years. Specialists then analyze and optimize your situation so that the personal financial plan is optimally tailored to your individual needs. You can find out exactly how such a financial plan is put together and what needs to be taken into account in a separate article.

The prime example of retirement

Many people deal with the topic of retirement, advance directives, etc. for the first time at around the age of 50 or 55, but do not recognize any urgent need for action. Then it's only a matter of months before their 64th or 65th birthday approaches and the questions arise: What does MY/ OUR next phase of life look like? By then at the latest, many people are overwhelmed by the question! This should not be the case! After all, if you deal with the issue early enough, you will have planning certainty, which can have a positive impact on taxes and much more when preparing for the next phase of your life. If you are approaching retirement, you can also manage your disposable income or assets at the time of retirement and adjust them to the cost of living. Anyone dreaming of early retirement or thinking about deferring their pension would also do well to clarify these options with a financial plan and make provisions.

Purchase into the pension fund - improved benefits and tax savings

Occupational pension provision is intended to secure the standard of living to which we are accustomed. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult as conversion rates fall and life expectancy increases. Voluntary purchases into the pension fund can in turn improve future benefits and also save taxes. However, there are a number of aspects to consider before making a purchase, which are addressed in the article on pension fund purchases .

Lump sum vs. pension withdrawal - flexibility vs. security

Before you retire, you can decide whether you want to have the entire savings capital paid out at once, draw a guaranteed pension for life or prefer a combination of the two options. The decision is not simple, but individual. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. While a lump-sum withdrawal offers tax savings and flexibility, a PF pension offers security and financial peace of mind. You can find out how the two options differ from each other here

Raphael Saccomani Authorized signatory Certified fiduciary expert, business economist FH, licensed auditor
Nicole Beugger GL member Certified fiduciary expert, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
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